Gospel questionnaire
This is the questionnaire based on the Top 50 texts as derived from the study, especially in the Grove booklet, The 360 Gospel of Jesus.
Having thought of the words of Jesus to the many people he met, and the many aspects to the answer he might have had in mind to the question, 'what must I do to inherit eternal life?' I thought it would be interesting to see which of these texts connect most with the experience of Christians today.
I have developed this questionnaire having used it with a wide variety of groups. One or two people have objected to the use of Scripture in this way, as each text is quoted out of context. I fully understand the limitation of the method, and only offer it as a simple tool to try and cover a lot of material.
I also understand that the Christian journey is not dependant on the influence of specific Biblical texts, either from the Gospels or elsewhere in the Bible - as illustrated by various stories in 'Sharing faith the Jesus way'. However, it has been interesting to ask people which (if any) texts have been helpful, and if so, which has influenced them the most.
This questionnaire is really a discussion starter and has its main fruit in the process. However, I have been fascinated to see how patterns have emerged in the replies from groups who have done it, so offer it for wider use and reflection.
A PDF of the '360 questionnaire about the gospel of Jesus can be downloaded here.