Sharing faith with people we know This is a summary page for Sharing Faith the Jesus Way. I want to share some thoughts from my own experience of sharing faith with people we know. 'Sharing faith', like sharing anything else, takes place in the context of a relationship. The relationship may be long standing or a brief encounter, but it is still a relationship. All Christians are in relationships of one sort or another, through our family, friends, neighbours, colleagues, companions. Even our occasional contacts are known through a relationship of one sort or another. So, the people we know are known because we have some relationship with them. The relationship may be superficial or deep, short term or long lasting. On this page I want to think of some general principles, as well as specific opportunities many of us have - and will have in the future - to share our faith with people we know. All this is based on the relationships we have. The basic principle is the triangle of relationships. In sharing faith we consider three relationships. We think of the relationship:
- we have with God (left side)
- we have with the other person (bottom side)
- they have - and could have more - with God.
Examples of sharing faith with people we know: - Church: through the welcome, in the services, by the spiritual experience, over coffee etc
- Family: by our lifestyle, in conversations, through our prayer, reading books /Bible, encouragements by text etc
- Friends: by our values, in our language, through support given, with invitations etc
- Neighbours: invite in, 'Welcome bag' for new neighbours, Carol Singing, BBQ, etc
- Work: being open about interests, with humour and passion, comment on news, lunch prayers etc
- Hobbies: through shared experience, time spent in conversation, comparing notes etc
- Other: Our shops, surgery, school links as well as the people we care for in community
- On-line: email, Facebook, Twitter, email signature 'promoting'
- Events: shared music, theatre and film experience when discuss afterwards
- Fund raising: coffee morning or marathon, when explain why
- Faith Sharing Teams: forming group from one church to support another in mission
- Project of event in the community / church: Jubilee and Games, plus Harvest, Memorial, Carnival or Festival etc
- Link with mission project: more learn then want to share - even visit overseas
- Meet need: Mother and Toddlers, Dads and Lads, or Bereavement, Friendship or environment group
- Discussion group, Theological issue, Cell Church, Home group, discussion group, book club, etc
Be surprised .. often the best thing that happens is not what we plan. Discuss: Are there common links in all of the above e.g. food, prayer, 'fruit of the Spirit', openness to others, focus on Jesus etc ?